Last Saturday, 25th Sept the college(Unirazak) photography club had a recreation trip to this place called Bantagan Baru which was located in Gayang, Mengkabong. Tourist goes to this place, i mean its a tourism spot, mostly taiwanese,china,Japanese,Korean tourists comes here. Anyways, back to the matter, purpose of this trip?well i guess the pictures tells the purpose of the trips.
Only one activity we were unable to photo, which is the ATV, apparently, we all got our hands tied and had to handle a number of things at one time. From what we see, the trip went quite well, everybody seems happy about it. Did not get to do any photoshoot though. Only pity thing is, cheryl,joanna,jeremiah,elsie,mahira,terence were unable to attend this event due, to that they had their own matter to attend to. Oh well, there's always next time..