Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Community Service Work

Allright, so, on last Saturday the 16th of Oct 2010, we had a community service trip to Babagon. We clean up the place, change the mat, wipe here wipe there, redecorate the whole place, paint few rocks, cut the grass and etc etc. Basically community service work.. As you can see too, besides doing work, we gave the kids some entertainment as well, they get to play a buinch of games and etc. We gave them a magic show too, which they really enjoyed it. After the trip, just a handfull of us, Me,Angel,Kok, Jane, Rosselleynna, Amanda,Tiffany and Brenda we went to celebrate our success of the job. We went to Tg. Aru beach and had some food and drinks. As you can see the last picture symbolizes our success and happiness that the work is over.

Monday, October 18, 2010

community service photoshoot

Last wednesday, to be exact, on the 13th Oct 2010, Me, Kok, Angel, Rose and Jane we went to Babagon to drop of the stuff at the place where we'll be doing our community service, which is at a kindergarden. The stuff I meant, was mostly the prizes. So after we drop off the things, we decided to go down nearby the river, where there was a lot of rocks, and we decided to have a photoshoot. Just a simple one though.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wine Valley

Here is another picture of the Australia vacation. This one was when I was in Adelaide, this was on the way to Baroussa Valley. The place where wines are made. You go to different wince sellers there, they let you test the wine for free before buying, well some don't, especially those that has been there for quite some time, only those that just open, then the testing will be free. That was what i was told.

Have not been taking lotsa pictures lately, but there will be new ones coming soon. It will be here..soon...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Against the Fence

This picture is considered one of my old picture which is from a previous shoot, I took this too in black and white but it did not turn out too well though. what I did not realize and what I like about this picture is, my friend's eye were kinda deep in this picture. perhaps it was the sunlight shadows and stuff.

Its been awhile since my friends and I has been on a photoshoot, we've just been busy with college stuff lately I guess, we've just been taking random pics though. Really in need of photoshoot, gotta have to try the conceptual kind of shoot. And have another bunch of ideas too.

J3r3Miah In ~early mornin~

This is Jeremiah, a close friend of mine...this photo was taken when we had our trip in kuala penyu. This pic was when we all just woke up, yeah we slept at 1am, fell asleep at 2am and woke up at 7am.. so yeah, you can imagine how groggy we were..provided that the night before we had a non-stop laughing night.