Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wine Valley

Here is another picture of the Australia vacation. This one was when I was in Adelaide, this was on the way to Baroussa Valley. The place where wines are made. You go to different wince sellers there, they let you test the wine for free before buying, well some don't, especially those that has been there for quite some time, only those that just open, then the testing will be free. That was what i was told.

Have not been taking lotsa pictures lately, but there will be new ones coming soon. It will be here..soon...


  1. Very nice man.. if only u could add more contrast in it and some modification.. it would be much much much nicer.. however, u got the idea ody.. "clap clap clap" :D

  2. thanks man, i remembered what u said about the contrast and adjust the yellowish thingy..i'll work on it..thankss.
